The Hug Bot (Hugbot)

Major Hugbot Update

Light A Candle For Hugbot

We have received an update regarding Pete’s condition. They have completed the treatments for the Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) but there doesn’t seem to be much change in his condition. He currently remains paralyzed and is still on life support. Pete’s mother let us know that he has a blood clot in his brain that will need to be addressed as well but that isn’t the primary concern at this stage.

As it stands right now, and unless something changes, they will take Peter “Hugbot” Napurski off of the ventilator sometime tomorrow morning. We do not know what will happen next. If ever there were a time for positive thoughts and prayers, this is that time. Pete’s family and The TV Rejects founders thank you all so very much for the love and support you’ve shown Pete through all of this. It means the world to us and to him.

Hugbot: Enhancing Life Through Friendship & Gaming

Porkchoppoo, who is a long-time friend of Pete’s, set up a GoFundMe to help alleviate the financial burden Pete and his family faces. If you are willing and able to contribute, it will be greatly appreciated, but we ask that you at least share the link if you are unable. The more people that see it, the better.

Hugbot’s GoFundMe:


  1. Happy new year Peter. I am praying for you to come home.

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