The Hug Bot (Hugbot)

At approximately 11:30am CST, Peter “Hugbot” Napurski passed away. Pete always had a way to turn the most mundane of situations into something incredibly funny, and unexpected, that it was hard to be bored around him. His love for his friends, and desire to bring them together to embark onContinue Reading

The Hug Bot (Hugbot)

Light A Candle For Hugbot We have received an update regarding Pete’s condition. They have completed the treatments for the Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) but there doesn’t seem to be much change in his condition. He currently remains paralyzed and is still on life support. Pete’s mother let us know thatContinue Reading

The Hug Bot (Hugbot)

The TV Rejects was founded by Hugbot, Porkchoppoo, MyTEO, and BooneBros as a way to bring together a variety of gaming and live streaming communities together, to share experience and experiences, allowing everyone to benefit from cooperation and cross promotion all while having loads of fun. The idea behind thisContinue Reading

Hello World!

Hello World! Here we are, at the start of something new, and potentially huge. The TV Rejects project is more than a Twitch channel, it is a community of streamers banding together to help each other grow, as a community and individually. The idea behind this project originated deep withinContinue Reading