About CrusadingWarden
Gaming Preferences
Genres - Strategy and FPS mainly.
Favorite games - Siege, League, Total War, COD, Overwatch.
DoctorBurd has been gaming since the early 80's, starting with Text Adventures, ASCII graphics adventures, and QBASIC. He has a musical background in Audio Engineering (i.e. studio recording), Piano, and Guitar.
About GrifNMore
Hi, I'm GrifNMore, from Eastern Pennsylvania! I usually go by Grif. During the day I work as a Technical Animator for FIRAXIS games. At night I set free my cosmic absurdist side as I transform into a cartoon Griffin. Come join me on ...
About KuruptHart
Hi, I'm Joe! A Sarcastic father of 2 who has gamed since NES as a child, starting with Zelda and games of that sort until falling in love with PC and FPS games like Counter Strike and RTS games like Warcraft 3 even MMOs like WOW had ...
About myTEO
I am a full-time single dad, freelance graphic artist, and I play games! I also do a bit of blacksmithing, voice acting, 3D modeling, drawing/sketching, programming, and I love the outdoors. Camping, hiking, cycling, sailing, hitting the...
Sarah is a life-long animal lover, and momma to a 110lb German Shepard named Bear, as well as a Cherry Headed Tortoise named Rocky! She grew up in the Chicago suburbs, graduated high school early, and began her college education at 17 years of age. She...
About PezzyRings
Hi Im PezzyRings! I live in Phoenix Arizona (yes it's hot), I am a mother to 3 kids, 1 has autism. Our house is a bit of a zoo with 2 dogs, 5 cats, and 2 birds. I am a maker of things, I have been doing chainmail for 7 years, just started...
About Pocomomo
Hi lovelies! My name is Pocomomo and I enjoy everything pastel, holographic and vintage. Depending on what I’m in the mood for, you will see me playing games or working on something artsy. I have two cats, Fai and Ciel, who will occasionally j...
Hi, I'm Twin Cities Steve from Minnesota! Im a meat eating, metal fabricating, game playing, and poopin' kind of dude. Quad-Founder of theTVrejects.
Raider is a full time variety streamer from Arkansas that wants nothing more in life then to make people smile and laugh.
About Sh4dyx
I'm just an average guy that has a strong passion for video games and live streaming. I started playing video games on the Nintendo when I was about 4 years old, playing games like Super Mario Bros, Mike Tyson's Punch Out and Techmo Bowl....
Hello, I am Tokes. I love doggos A LOT. I have 3 little doggos. I groom doggos, my discord has doggos, my banners have doggos, I got doggos in my video games. Doggo hair in my food. I live, breathe, & sleep doggos. I only discovered that streaming was...
About Wrath_lol
My name is Dylan, and I am 23 years old, currently living in Tennessee. I will be moving to California by the end of the summer to pursue an aviation career with hopes of becoming an airline pilot.